
美国麻省理工大学John C. Foster教授来我室访问交流

发稿时间:2014-11-01 作者:

美国麻省理工大学John C. Foster教授应邀来本研究室访问并做关于电离层暴以及地球空间耦合过程(Ionospheric Storms and Geospace Coupling)的学术报告,介绍了磁暴期间电离层磁层的耦合变化过程及其物理机制。与各位老师和同学就此问题开展了热烈的讨论。

下面是John C. Foster教授的简要介绍

Group Leader, Atmospheric Sciences Group, Millstone Hill Observatory

Associate Director, M.I.T. Haystack Observatory

Principal Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research Interests: Physics of the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere.

Topics of particular interest include:

Magnetosphere/ionosphere/atmosphere coupling

Incoherent scatter radar

Plasma waves and instabilities.

Ionospheric convection electric fields, and cleft and high latitude phenomena.

International research facilities and scientific collaboration (Former Soviet Union)
