地星团队 > 科研人员 > 研究员
林杨挺 研究员、博士生导师
  • 性别:
  • 学位:博士
  • 电话:+86-10-82998413
  • Email:LinYT@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
  • 地址:北京市朝阳区北土城西路19号
  • 个人主页:




  • 中国空间科学学会副理事长
  • 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会理事
  • 《中国科学》、《Astrobiology》编委
  • 1991年,毕业于中国科学院地球化学研究所获天体化学博士学位
  • 1982年,毕业于浙江大学地球化学专业
  • 2012年获得国际陨石学会学士
  • 2000年获得国家杰出青年基金
  • 2004年至今,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,研究员
  • 1997年至2003年,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,研究员
  • 1992年至1997年,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,副研究员

[1]Bouvier A., Kimura M., Lin Y., Ohtani E., Sharp T., Preface for article collection “Thermal, dynamical, and chemical processes in our early Solar System”, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9(2022), 64.

[2]Chang R., Yang W., Lin H., Xu R., Gou S., Wang R., Lin Y., Lunar Terrestrial Analog Experiment on the Spectral Interpretations of Rocks Observed by the Yutu-2 Rover, Remote Sensing, 14(2022), 2323.

[3]Changela H. G., Chatzitheodoridis E., Antunes A., Beaty D., Bouw K., Bridges J. C., Capova K. A., Cockell C. S., Conley C. A., Dadachova E. et al, Mars: new insights and unresolved questions – Corrigendum, International Journal of Astrobiology, 21(2022), 46-46.

[4]Druzhbin D., Fei H., Hao J., Zhang C., Lin Y., Dohmen R., Katsura T., Water enhancement of Si self-diffusion in wadsleyite, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, n/a(2022), e2021JB023440.

[5]Gu L., Chen Y., Xu Y., Tang X., Lin Y., Noguchi T., Li J., Space Weathering of the Chang'e-5 Lunar Sample From a Mid-High Latitude Region on the Moon, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49(2022), e2022GL097875.

[6]Ji J., He H., Hu S., Lin Y., Hui H., Hao J., Li R., Yang W., Yan Y., Tian H. et al, Magmatic chlorine isotope fractionation recorded in apatite from Chang'e-5 basalts, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 591(2022), 117636.

[7]Li R.-Y., Hao J., Hu S., Zhang W.-F., Xia X.-P., Lin Y., Yang W., High-Spatial-Resolution Measurement of Water Content in Olivine Using NanoSIMS 50L, Atomic Spectroscopy, 43(2022).

[8]Lin H., Li S., Xu R., Liu Y., Wu X., Yang W., Wei Y., Lin Y., He Z., Hui H. et al, In situ detection of water on the Moon by the Chang'E-5 lander, Science Advances, 8(2022), eabl9174.

[9]Liu X., Hao J., Li R.-Y., He Y., Tian H.-C., Hu S., Li J., Gu L., Yang W., Lin Y., Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation of the Youngest Chang'e-5 Basalts: Constraints on the Magma Degassing and Geochemical Features of the Mantle Source, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49(2022), e2022GL099922.

[10]Xu Y., Lin Y., Hao J., Kimura M., Hu S., Yang W., Liu Y., Zou Y., Abundant presolar silicates of the CM chondrite Asuka 12169: Implications for the thermal and aqueous alteration of the CM parent body, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 334(2022), 45-64.

[11]Yang W., Chen Y., Wang H., Tian H.-C., Hui H., Xiao Z., Wu S.-T., Zhang D., Zhou Q., Ma H.-X. et al, Geochemistry of impact glasses in the Chang’e-5 regolith: Constraints on impact melting and the petrogenesis of local basalt, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 335(2022), 183-196.

[12]Yue Z., Di K., Michael G., Gou S., Lin Y., Liu J., Martian surface dating model refinement based on Chang'E-5 updated lunar chronology function, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 595(2022), 117765.

[13]Zhang P., Tai K., Li Y., Zhang J., Lantz C., Hiroi T., Matsuoka M., Li S., Lin Y., Wen Y. et al, Diverse space weathering effects on asteroid surfaces as inferred via laser irradiation of meteorites, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 659(2022), A78.

[14]Changela H. G., Chatzitheodoridis E., Antunes A., Beaty D., Bouw K., Bridges J. C., Capova K. A., Cockell C. S., Conley C. A., Dadachova E. et al, Mars: new insights and unresolved questions, International Journal of Astrobiology(2021), 1-33.

[15]Hao J.-L., Yang W., Hu S., Li R.-y., Ji J.-L., Changela H. G., Lin Y.-T., Submicron spatial resolution Pb–Pb and U–Pb dating by using a NanoSIMS equipped with the new radio-frequency ion source, J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36(2021), 1625-1633.

[16]Hu S., He H., Ji J., Lin Y., Hui H., Anand M., Tartèse R., Yan Y., Hao J., Li R. et al, A dry lunar mantle reservoir for young mare basalts of Chang’E-5, Nature, 600(2021), 49-53.

[17]Jia M., Di K., Yue Z., Liu B., Wan W., Niu S., Liu J., Cheng W., Lin Y., Multi-scale morphologic investigation of craters in the Chang'e-4 landing area, Icarus, 355(2021), 114164.

[18]Li C., Zhang R., Yu D., Dong G., Liu J., Geng Y., Sun Z., Yan W., Ren X., Su Y. et al, China’s Mars Exploration Mission and Science Investigation, Space Sci. Rev., 217(2021), 57.

[19]Li Q.-L., Zhou Q., Liu Y., Xiao Z., Lin Y., Li J.-H., Ma H.-X., Tang G.-Q., Guo S., Tang X. et al, Two billion-year-old volcanism on the Moon from Chang’E-5 basalts, Nature, 600(2021), 54-58.

[20]Lin H., Li S., Lin Y., Liu Y., Wei Y., Yang W., Yang Y., Hu S., Wu X., Xu R. et al, Thermal Modeling of the Lunar Regolith at the Chang'E-4 Landing Site, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48(2021), e2020GL091687.

[21]Shi X., Castillo-Rogez J., Hsieh H., Hui H., Ip W.-H., Lei H., Li J.-Y., Tosi F., Zhou L., Agarwal J. et al, GAUSS - genesis of asteroids and evolution of the solar system, Experimental Astronomy(2021).

[22]Wang N., Mao Q., Zhang T., Hao J., Lin Y., NanoSIMS and EPMA dating of lunar zirconolite, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8(2021), 51.

[23]Wang N., Wang G., Zhang T., Gu L., Zhang C., Hu S., Miao B., Lin Y., Metallographic Cooling Rate and Petrogenesis of the Recently Found Huoyanshan Iron Meteorite Shower, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, n/a(2021), e2021JE006847.

[24]Wu X., Liu Y., Zhang C., Wu Y., Zhang F., Du J., Liu Z., Xing Y., Xu R., He Z. et al, Geological characteristics of China's Tianwen-1 landing site at Utopia Planitia, Mars, Icarus, 370(2021), 114657.

[25]Yang W., Lin Y., New Lunar Samples Returned by Chang’e-5: Opportunities for New Discoveries and International Collaboration, The Innovation, 2(2021), 100070.

[26]Zhang B., Lin Y., Moser D. E., Hao J., Liu Y., Zhang J., Barker I. R., Li Q., Shieh S. R., Bouvier A., Radiogenic Pb mobilization induced by shock metamorphism of zircons in the Apollo 72255 Civet Cat norite clast, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 302(2021), 175-192.

[27]Zhang B., Lin Y., Moser D. E., Warren P. H., Hao J., Barker I. R., Shieh S. R., Bouvier A., Timing of lunar Mg-suite magmatism constrained by SIMS U-Pb dating of Apollo norite 78238, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 569(2021), 117046.

[28]Zhang J., Zhou B., Lin Y., Reply to: Stratigraphy versus artefacts in the Chang’e-4 low-frequency radar, Nature Astronomy, 5(2021), 894-897.

[29]Zhang M., Clark B., King A. J., Russell S. S., Lin Y., Shape and porosity of refractory inclusions in CV3 chondrites: A micro-computed tomography (µCT) study, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., n/a(2021).

[30]Zhang T., Hu S., Wang N., Lin Y., Gu L., Tang X., Zou X., Zhang M., Formation mechanisms of ringwoodite: clues from the Martian meteorite Northwest Africa 8705, Earth, Planets and Space, 73(2021), 165.

[31]Zhang X., Lv W., Zhang L., Zhang J., Lin Y., Yao Z., Self-Organization Characteristics of Lunar Regolith Inferred by Yutu-2 Lunar Penetrating Radar, Remote Sensing, 13(2021), 3017.

[32]Zhu T., Zhang J., Lin Y., Ultra-Thick Paleoregolith Layer Detected by Lunar Penetrating Radar: Implication for Fast Regolith Formation Between 3.6 and 2.35 Ga, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48(2021), e2021GL095282.

[33]Anand M., Russell S., Lin Y., Wadhwa M., Marhas K. K., Tachibana S., Editorial to the Topical Collection: Role of Sample Return in Addressing Major Questions in Planetary Sciences, Space Sci. Rev., 216(2020), 101.

[34]Dandouras I., Blanc M., Fossati L., Gerasimov M., Guenther E. W., Kislyakova K. G., Lammer H., Lin Y., Marty B., Mazelle C. et al, Future Missions Related to the Determination of the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Earth, Moon and the Terrestrial Planets, Space Sci. Rev., 216(2020), 121.

[35]Guo Z., Li Y., Liu S., Xu H., Xie Z., Li S., Li X., Lin Y., Coulson I. M., Zhang M., Discovery of nanophase iron particles and high pressure clinoenstatite in a heavily shocked ordinary chondrite: Implications for the decomposition of pyroxene, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 272(2020), 276-286.

[36]Hu S., Li Y., Gu L., Tang X., Zhang T., Yamaguchi A., Lin Y., Changela H., Discovery of coesite from the martian shergottite Northwest Africa 8657, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 286(2020), 404-417.

[37]Hu S., Lin Y., Anand M., Franchi I. A., Zhao X., Zhang J., Hao J., Zhang T., Yang W., Changela H., Deuterium and 37Chlorine Rich Fluids on the Surface of Mars: Evidence From the Enriched Basaltic Shergottite Northwest Africa 8657, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 125(2020), e2020JE006537.

[38]Hu S., Lin Y., Zhang J., Hao J., Yamaguchi A., Zhang T., Yang W., Changela H., Volatiles in the martian crust and mantle: Clues from the NWA 6162 shergottite, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 530(2020), 115902.

[39]Lin H., He Z., Yang W., Lin Y., Xu R., Zhang C., Zhu M.-H., Chang R., Zhang J., Li C. et al, Olivine-norite rock detected by the lunar rover Yutu-2 likely crystallized from the SPA impact melt pool, National Science Review, 7(2020), 913–920.

[40]Lin H., Lin Y., Wei Y., Xu R., Liu Y., Yang Y., Hu S., Yang W., He Z., Estimation of Noise in the In Situ Hyperspectral Data Acquired by Chang’E-4 and Its Effects on Spectral Analysis of Regolith, Remote Sensing, 12(2020), 1603.

[41]Lin H., Lin Y., Yang W., He Z., Hu S., Wei Y., Xu R., Zhang J., Liu X., Yang J. et al, New Insight Into Lunar Regolith-Forming Processes by the Lunar Rover Yutu-2, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47(2020), e2020GL087949.

[42]Lin H., Xu R., Yang W., Lin Y., Wei Y., Hu S., He Z., Qiao L., Wan W., In Situ Photometric Experiment of Lunar Regolith With Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer On Board the Yutu-2 Lunar Rover, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 125(2020), e2019JE006076.

[43]Lin H., Yang Y., Lin Y., Liu Y., Wei Y., Li S., Hu S., Yang W., Wan W., Xu R. et al, Photometric properties of lunar regolith revealed by the Yutu-2 rover Astronomy & Astrophysics, 638(2020), 10.1051/0004-6361/202037859.

[44]Lin Y., Zhang Y., Hu S., Xu Y., Zhou W., Li S., Yang W., Gao Y., Li M., Yin Q. et al, Concepts of the Small Body Sample Return Missions - the 1st 10 Million Year Evolution of the Solar System, Space Sci. Rev., 216(2020), 45.

[45]Lv W., Li C., Song H., Zhang J., Lin Y., Comparative analysis of reflection characteristics of lunar penetrating radar data using numerical simulations, Icarus, 350(2020), 113896.

[46]Xing W., Lin Y., Zhang C., Zhang M., Hu S., Hofmann B. A., Sekine T., Xiao L., Gu L., Discovery of Reidite in the Lunar Meteorite Sayh al Uhaymir 169, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47(2020), e2020GL089583.

[47]Yang J., Lin Y., Changela H., Xie L., Chen B., Yang J., Early sulfur-rich magmatism on the ungrouped achondrite Northwest Africa 7325 differentiated parent body, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 55(2020), 1-28.

[48]Yang Y., Lin H., Liu Y., Lin Y., Wei Y., Hu S., Yang W., Xu R., He Z., Zou Y., The effects of viewing geometry on the spectral analysis of lunar regolith as inferred by in situ spectrophotometric measurements of Chang'E-4, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47(2020), e2020GL087080.

[49]Zeng X., Joy K. H., Li S., Lin Y., Wang N., Li X., Li Y., Hao J., Liu J., Wang S., Oldest immiscible silica-rich melt on the Moon recorded in a ~4.38 Ga zircon, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47(2020), 10.1029/2019gl085997.

[50]Zhang J., Zhou B., Lin Y., Zhu M.-H., Song H., Dong Z., Gao Y., Di K., Yang W., Lin H. et al, Lunar regolith and substructure at Chang’E-4 landing site in South Pole–Aitken basin, Nature Astronomy, 5(2020), 10.1038/s41550-020-1197-x.

[51]Zhang M., Bonato E., King A. J., Russell S. S., Tang G., Lin Y., Petrology and oxygen isotopic compositions of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions in primitive CO3.0-3.1 chondrites, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 55(2020), 10.1111/maps.13473.

[52]Zhang M., Lin Y., Tang G., Liu Y., Leya I., Origin of Al-rich chondrules in CV chondrites: Incorporation of diverse refractory components into the ferromagnesian chondrule-forming region, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 272(2020), 198-217.

[53]Di K., Zhu M.-H., Yue Z., Lin Y., Wan W., Liu Z., Gou S., Liu B., Peng M., Wang Y. et al, Topographic Evolution of Von Kármán Crater Revealed by the Lunar Rover Yutu-2, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(2019), 12764-12770.

[54]Hao J., Yang W., Huang W., Xu Y., Lin Y., Changela H., NanoSIMS measurements of sub-micrometer particles using the local thresholding technique, Surface and Interface Analysis(2019), 10.1016/j.gca.2019.12.011.

[55]Hu S., Lin Y., Zhang J., Hao J., Xing W., Zhang T., Yang W., Changela H., Ancient geologic events on Mars revealed by zircons and apatites from the Martian regolith breccia NWA 7034, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 54(2019), 850-879.

[56]Li C., Wang C., Wei Y., Lin Y., China’s present and future lunar exploration program, Science, 365(2019), 238-239.

[57]Long Y.-J., Yang W., Lin Y.-T., Yang J.-H., Hao J.-L., Zhang J.-C., Sub-micron trace elemental distributions and U-Pb dating of zircon from the oldest rock in the Anshan area, North China Craton, Precambrian Research, 322(2019), 1-17.

[58]Yang J., Zhang C., Miyahara M., Tang X., Gu L., Lin Y., Evidence for early impact on a hot differentiated planetesimal from Al-rich micro-inclusions in ungrouped achondrite Northwest Africa 7325, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 258(2019), 310-335.

[59]Zhang B., Lin Y., Moser D. E., Hao J., Shieh S. R., Bouvier A., Imbrium Age for Zircons in Apollo 17 South Massif Impact Melt Breccia 73155, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 124(2019), 10.1029/2019JE005992.

[60]Zhang M., Lin Y., Leya I., Tang G., Liu Y., Textural and compositional evidence for in situ crystallization of palisade bodies in coarse-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 54(2019), 1009-1023.

[61]Gu L., Zhang B., Hu S., Noguchi T., Hidaka H., Lin Y., The discovery of silicon oxide nanoparticles in space-weathered of Apollo 15 lunar soil grains, Icarus, 303(2018), 47-52.

[62]Leya I., Masarik J., Lin Y., Alteration of CAIs as recorded by 36S/34S as a function of 35Cl/34S, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 53(2018), 1252-1266.

[63]Xu Y., Gu L., Li Y., Mo B., Lin Y., Combination of focused ion beam (FIB) and microtome by ultrathin slice preparation for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation, Earth, Planets and Space, 70(2018), 150.

[64]Yan J., Hu R., Liu S., Lin Y., Zhang J., Fu S., NanoSIMS element mapping and sulfur isotope analysis of Au-bearing pyrite from Lannigou Carlin-type Au deposit in SW China: New insights into the origin and evolution of Au-bearing fluids, Ore Geology Reviews, 92(2018), 29-41.

[65]El Goresy A., Lin Y., Miyahara M., Gannoun A., Boyet M., Ohtani E., Gillet P., Trieloff M., Simionovici A., Feng L. et al, Origin of EL3 chondrites: Evidence for variable C/O ratios during their course of formation-A state of the art scrutiny, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 52(2017), 1-26.

[66]Feng L., Miyahara M., Nagase T., Ohtani E., Hu S., El Goresy A., Lin Y., Shock-induced P-T conditions and formation mechanism of akimotoite-pyroxene glass assemblages in the Grove Mountains (GRV) 052082 (L6) meteorite, Am. Mineral., 102(2017), 1254-1262.

[67]Li  W., Xu L., Liu X., Zhang J., Lin Y., Yao X., Gao H., Zhang D., Chen J., Wang W. et al, Air pollution–aerosol interactions produce more bioavailable iron for ocean ecosystems, Science Advances, 3(2017), 10.1126/sciadv.1601749.

[68]Stephenson P. C., Lin Y., Leya I., The noble gas concentrations of the Martian meteorites GRV 99027 and paired NWA 7906/NWA 7907, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 52(2017), 2505-2520.

[69]Zhang J., Lin Y., Yan J., Li J., Yang W., Simultaneous determinations of Sulfur Isotopes and Trace Elements in Pyrite with NanoSIMS 50L Analytical methods, 9(2017), 6653-6661.

[70]Hao J., Yang W., Luo Y., Hu S., Yin Q. Z., Lin Y., NanoSIMS measurements of trace elements at micron scale interface between zircon and silicate glass, J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 31(2016), 2399-2409.

[71]Hu S., Lin Y., Yang W., Wang W.-R. Z., Zhang J., Hao J., Xing W., NanoSIMS imaging method of zircon U-Pb dating, Science China Earth Sciences, 59(2016), 2155-2164.

[72]Li W., Sun J., Xu L., Shi Z., Riemer N., Sun Y., Fu P., Zhang J., Lin Y., Wang X. et al, A conceptual framework for mixing structures in individual aerosol particles, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(2016), 205-201.

[73]Wang G., Wu Y., Lin Y., Trace element analysis of extraterrestrial metal samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: the standard solutions and digesting acids, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 30(2016), 543-551.

[74]Xu Y., Lin Y., Zhang J., Hao J., The First Discovery of Presolar Graphite Grains from the Highly Reducing Qingzhen (EH3) Meteorite, Astrophys. J., 825(2016), 111.

[75]Xu Y. C., Wang S. J., Hu S., Ouyang Z. Y., Lin Y. T., Petrology, mineralogy and shock metamorphism of the Chelyabinsk meteorite (in Chinese), Acta Petrologica Sinica, 32(2016), 1581-1590.

[76]Yang W., Lin Y., Hao J., Zhang J., Hu S., Ni H., Phosphorus-controlled trace element distribution in zircon revealed by NanoSIMS, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 171(2016), 1-16.

[77]Zhang A.-C., Li Q.-L., Yurimoto H., Sakamoto N., Li X.-H., Hu S., Lin Y., Wang R.-C., Young asteroidal fluid activity revealed by absolute age from apatite in carbonaceous chondrite, Nature Communications, 513(2016), 6.

[78]Zhang J., Lin Y., Yang W., Hao J., Hu S., Micro-scale (~10 μm) analyses of rare earth elements in silicate glass, zircon and apatite with NanoSIMS, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 406(2016), 48-54.

[79]Chi J. W., Li W. J., Zhang D. Z., Zhang J. C., Lin Y. T., Shen X. J., Sun J. Y., Chen J. M., Zhang X. Y., Zhang Y. M., Sea salt aerosols as a reactive surface for inorganic and organic acidic gases in the arctic troposphere, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 15(2015), 11341-11353.

[80]Groopman E., Zinner E., Amari S., Gyngard F., Hoppe P., Jadhav M., Lin Y., Xu Y., Marhas K., Nittler L. R., Inferred Initial 26Al/27Al Ratios in Presolar Stardust Grains from Supernovae are Higher than Previously Estimated, Astrophys. J., 809(2015), 31.

[81]Hu S., Lin Y., Zhang J., Hao J., Yang W., Deng L., Measurements of water content and D/H ratio in apatite and silicate glasses using a NanoSIMS 50L, J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30(2015), 967-978.

[82]Hu S., Lin Y.-T., Liu B., Yang W., He Z.-P., Xing W.-F., Reflectance calibration and shadow effect of VNIS spectrum on the Yutu rover, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15(2015), 1587-1596.

[83]Miyahara M., Ohtani E., El Goresy A., Lin Y., Feng L., Zhang J.-C., Gillet P., Nagase T., Muto J., Nishijima M., Unique large diamonds in a ureilite from Almahata Sitta 2008 TC3 asteroid, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 163(2015), 14-26.

[84]Wang G. Q., Miao B. K., Lin Y. T., Heyetang meteorite: Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the L3 ordinary chondrite (in Chinese), Acta Petrologica Sinica, 31(2015), 2724-2736.

[85]Xu Y., Zinner E., Gallino R., Heger A., Pignatari M., Lin Y., Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Submicrometer SiC Grains from the Murchison Meteorite, Astrophys. J., 799(2015), 156.

[86]Yang W., Hu S., Zhang J., Hao J., Lin Y., NanoSIMS analytical technique and its applications in earth sciences, Science China Earth Sciences, 58(2015), 1758-1767.

[87]Zhang J., Yang W., Hu S., Lin Y., Fang G., Li C., Peng W., Zhu S., He Z., Zhou B., Volcanic history of the Imbrium basin: A close-up view from the lunar rover Yutu, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(2015), 5342-5347.

[88]杨蔚, 胡森, 张建超, 郝佳龙, 林杨挺, 纳米离子探针分析技术及其在地球科学中的应用, 中国科学: 地球科学, 45(2015), 1335-1346.

[89]Chen Y., Li Y.-L., Zhou G.-T., Li H., Lin Y.-T., Xiao X., Wang F.-P., Biomineralization mediated by anaerobic methane-consuming cell consortia, Sci. Rep., 4(2014).

[90]Hu S., Lin Y. T., Zhang J. C., Hao J. L., Feng L., Xu L., Yang W., Yang J., NanoSIMS analyses of apatite and melt inclusions in the GRV 020090 Martian meteorite: Hydrogen isotope evidence for recent past underground hydrothermal activity on Mars, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 140(2014), 321-333.

[91]Lin Y., El Goresy A., Hu S., Zhang J., Gillet P., Xu Y., Hao J., Miyahara M., Ouyang Z., Ohtani E. et al, NanoSIMS analysis of organic carbon from the Tissint Martian meteorite: Evidence for the past existence of subsurface organic-bearing fluids on Mars, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 49(2014), 2201-2219.

[92]Lin Y., Feng L., Hao J., Liu Y., Hu S., Zhang J., Yang W., Sintering Nano-crystalline Calcite: A New Method of Synthesizing Homogeneous Reference Materials for SIMS Analysis, J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29(2014), 1686-1691.

[93]Zhang J., Lin Y., Yang W., Shen W., Hao J., Hu S., Cao M., Improved precision and spatial resolution of sulfur isotope analysis using NanoSIMS, J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29(2014), 1934-1943.

[94]Zhao X., Lin Y., Yin Q.-Z., Zhang J., Hao J., Zolensky M., Jenniskens P., Presolar Grains in the CM2 Chondrite Sutter's Mill, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 49(2014), 2038-2046.

[95]杨晶, 林杨挺, 欧阳自远, 地外有机化合物, 地学前缘, 21(2014).

[96]Haenecour P., Zhao X., Floss C., Lin Y., Zinner E., First Laboratory Observation of Silica Grains from Core Collapse Supernovae, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 768(2013), L17.

[97]Lin Y., Hu S., Miao B., Xu L., Liu Y., Xie L., Feng L., Yang J., Grove Mountains (GRV) 020090 enriched lherzolitic shergottite: A two stage formation model, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 48(2013), 1572-1589.

[98]Zhao X., Floss C., Lin Y., Bose M., Stardust Investigation into the CR Chondrite Grove Mountain 021710, Astrophys. J., 769(2013), 49.

[99]Hu S., Lin Y., Space weathering simulation and spectrum decoding, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 31(2012), 128-135.

[100]Lin Y., Shen W., Liu Y., Xu L., Hofmann B. A., Mao Q., Tang G. Q., Wu F., Li X. H., Very High-K KREEP-Rich Clasts in the Impact Melt Breccia of the Lunar Meteorite SaU 169: New Constraints on the Last Residue of the Lunar Magma Ocean, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 85(2012), 19-40.

[101]Yang W., Lin Y. T., Zhang J. C., Hao J. L., Shen W. J., Hu S., Precise micrometre-sized Pb-Pb and U-Pb dating with NanoSIMS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 27(2012), 479-487.

[102]Ammon K., Leya I., Lin Y., Noble gases in the Xinjiang (Armanty) iron meteorite––A big object with a short cosmic-ray exposure age, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 46(2011), 785-792.

[103]Feng L., Lin Y., Hu S., Xu L., Miao B., Estimating compositions of natural ringwoodite in the heavily shocked Grove Mountains 052049 meteorite from Raman spectra, American Mineralogist, 96(2011), 1480-1489.

[104]Hiyagon H., Yamakawa A., Ushikubo T., Lin Y., Kimura M., Fractionation of rare earth elements in refractory inclusions from the Ningqiang meteorite: Origin of positive anomalies in Ce, Eu, and Yb, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75(2011), 3358-3384.

[105]Hu S., Feng L., Lin Y., Petrography, mineral chemistry and shock metamorphism of Yamato 984028 lherzolitic shergottite, Chin. Sci. Bull., 56(2011), 1579-1587.

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  • 主持《嫦娥五号月壤样品记录的小行星撞击和太阳风辐射历史》,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2023.1-2027.12