地星团队 > 科研人员 > 研究员
潘永信 研究员、院士、博士生导师
  • 性别:
  • 学位:博士
  • 电话:010-82998406
  • Email:yxpan@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
  • 地址:北京市朝阳区北土城西路19号
  • 个人主页:

1985年于武汉地质学院获学士学位,1988年于中国地质大学获硕士学位,1998年于中国科学院地球物理所获博士学位。主要从事古地磁学、生物地磁学、生物源磁性纳米矿物磁学与应用、岩石磁学、行星磁学等基础性研究。目前兼任所学位委员会主任、所学术委员副主任、中国地质学会古地磁专业委员会主任委员、国际大地测量与地球物理联合会地球深部研究(SEDI)分会执委委员、美国地球物理联合会John Adam Fleming Medal奖遴选委员、地球物理学报和Earth and Planetary Physics主编、国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员、国家自然科学基金委地球科学部咨询委员、首次火星探测任务工程首席科学家等。曾获国家自然科学二等奖(排名第三)、国家杰出青年基金、德国洪堡基金、中国青年科技奖、中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师奖等。中科院创新团队国际合作伙伴计划、国家基金委创新研究群体学术带头人。2017年当选中国科学院院士。


  • 地球物理学、地球生物学
  • 2002--    中国科学院地质与地球物理所 研究员、博士生导师
  • 2015--    中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院 岗位教授
  • 1988-1995 太原理工大学(原山西矿业学院)地质系助教、讲师 
  • 2010  美国麻省理工学院地球、大气与行星科学系 访问教授(3个月) 
  • 2003-2004 德国慕尼黑大学地球与环境科学系 洪堡学者(14个月) 
  • 2000-2001 英国利物浦大学地球与海洋科学系 皇家学会访问学者(12个月)

  • 2002--    中国科学院地质与地球物理所 研究员、博士生导师
  • 2015--    中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院 岗位教授
  • 1999-2002 中国科学院地质与地球物理所 副研究员
  • 1998-1999 中国科学院地球物理所 副研究员
  • 1988-1995 太原理工大学(原山西矿业学院)地质系助教、讲师
  • 2010   美国麻省理工学院地球、大气与行星科学系 访问教授(3个月)
  • 2003-2004 德国慕尼黑大学地球与环境科学系 洪堡学者(14个月)
  • 2000-2001 英国利物浦大学地球与海洋科学系 皇家学会访问学者(12个月)

  1. Zhang BF, Zhan AS, Wang M, Tian LX, Guo WX, Pan YX. Long-term exposure to a hypomagnetic field attenuates adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cognition. Nature Communications (2021), 12: 1174. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21468-x
  2. Liu PY, Liu Y, Roberts AP, Zhang H, Zheng Y, Wang FX, Wang LS, Menguy N, Pan YX, Li JH. Diverse phylogeny and morphology of magnetite biomineralized by magnetotactic cocci. Environmental Microbiology (2021). 23: 1115-1129
  3. Cai Y, Huang JJ, Xu HT, Zhang TW, Cao CQ, Pan YX. Synthesis, characterization and application of magnetoferritin nanoparticle by using human H chain ferritin expressed by Pichia pastoris. Nanotechnology (2020), 31(48).
  4. Lin W, Zhang WS, Paterson GA, Zhu QY, Zhao X, Knight R, Bazylinski BA, Roberts AP, Pan YX. Expanding magnetic organelle biogenesis in the domain Bacteria. Microbiome (2020), 8(1),doi.org/10.1186/s40168-020-00931-9
  5. Cai Y, Wang YQ,Zhang TW, Pan YX. Gadolinium-labeled ferritin nanoparticles as T1 contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging of tumors. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. (2020), doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.0c01563
  6. Cai Y, Deng T, Pan YX, Zink J. Use of ferritin capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles for redox and pH triggered drug release in vitro and in vivo. Advanced Functional Materials (2020). Doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202002043
  7. Li WB, Kong DL, Zhang KK, Pan YX. Depth of Jupiter's Zonal Flow under the "Shallow-wind" Assumption. The Astrophysical Journal (2020). 897(1):85.
  8. Li JH, Liu Y, Liu SH, Roberts AP, Pan HM, Xiao T, Pan YX. Classification of a complexly mixed magnetic mineral assemblage in Pacific Ocean surface sediment by electron microscopy and supervised magnetic unmixing. Frontiers in Earth Science (2020), doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.609058
  9. Li JH, Menguy N, Leroy E, Roberts AP, Liu PY, Pan YX. Biomineralization and magnetism of uncultured magnetotactic coccus strainTHC-1 with non-chainedmagnetosomal magnetite nanoparticles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125,e2020JB020853. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020853
  10. Li JH, Liu PY, Wang J, Roberts AP, Pan YX. Magnetotaxis as anadaptation to enable bacterial shuttlingof microbial sulfur and sulfur cyclingacross aquatic oxic-anoxic interfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2020JG006012
  11. Li JH, Menguy N, Roberts AP, Gu L, Leroy E, Bourgon J, Yang XA, Zhao X, Liu PY, Changela HG, Pan YX. (2020). Bullet‐shaped magnetite biomineralization within a magnetotactic Deltaproteobacterium: Implications for magnetofossil identification. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2020JG005680. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JG005680
  12. Cai SH, Tauxe L, Wang W, Deng CL, Pan YX, Yang L, Qin HF. High-fidelity archeointensity results for the late Neolithic Period from central China. Geophysical Research Letters (2020), doi: 10.1029/2020GL087625.
  13. He K, Pan YX. Magnetofossil abundance and diversity as paleoenvironmental proxies: A case study from southwest Ibertian margin sediments. Geophysical Research Letters (2020), 47, e2020GL087165, DOI: 10.1029/2020GL087165.
  14. Han XH, Tomaszewski E J, Sorwat J, Pan YX, Kappler A, Byrne JM. Oxidation of green rust by anoxygenic phototrophic Fe (II)-oxidising bacteria. Geochemical Perspectives Letters (2020), 12: 52–57. DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2004.
  15. Han XH, Tomaszewski EJ, Sorwat J, Pan YX, Kappler A, Byrne JM. Effect of microbial biomass and humic acids on abiotic and biotic magnetite formation. Environmental Science & Technology (2020). DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07095.
  16. Han F, Sun JP, Qin HF, Wang HP, Ji Q, He HY, Deng CL, Pan YX*. Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleocene terrestrial sequence, Jiaolai Basin, eastern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology (2020) 538, DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109451
  17. Lin W*, Kirschvink JL, Paterson GA, Bazylinski DA, Pan YX*. On the origin of microbial magnetoreception. National Science Review (2019), DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwz065
  18. Lin W, Li Y L, Wang G H, Pan YX. Overview and perspectives of Astrobiology (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull (2019), 64, doi: 10.1360/TB-2019-0396
  19. Xu HT, Pan YX*. Experimental Evaluation on the Heating Efficiency of Magnetoferritin Nanoparticles in an Alternating Magnetic Field. Nanomaterials (2019) 9(10), 1457, DOI: 10.3390/nano9101457
  20. Yu JC, Zhang TW, Xu HT, Dong XL, Cai Y, Pan YX. Cao CQ*. Thermostable iron oxide nanoparticle synthesis within recombinant ferritins from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus yayanosii CH1. RSC Advances (2019) 9: 39381-39393. DOI: 10.1039/c9ra07397c
  21. Du HJ, Zhang WY, Zhang WS, Zhang WJ, Pan HM, Pan YX, Bazylinski DA, Wu LF, Xiao T*, Lin W*. Magnetosome Gene Duplication as an Important Driver in the Evolution of Magnetotaxis in the Alphaproteobacteria. Msystems (2019) 4(5), DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00315-19
  22. Tian LX*, Zhang BF, Zhang JS, Zhang TW, Cai Y, Qin HF, Metzner W, Pan YX. A magnetic compass guides the direction of foraging in a bat. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology (2019) 205(4): 619-627. DOI: 10.1007/s00359-019-01353-1
  23. Li JH*, Zhang H, Liu PY, Menguy N, Roberts AP, Chen HT, Wang YZ, Pan YX. Phylogenetic and Structural Identification of a Novel Magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria Strain, WYHR-1, from a Freshwater Lake. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2019) 85(14), DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00731-19
  24. Wang YZ*, Casaburi G, Lin W, Li Y, Wang FP, Pan YX. Genomic evidence of the illumination response mechanism and evolutionary history of magnetotactic bacteria within the Rhodospirillaceae family. BMC Genomics (2019) 20, DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-5751-9
  25. Tian LX*, Pan YX*. The Geomagentic field effects on animals: A review. Chinese Science Bulletin (2019) 64(8): 761-772.
  26. Cai Y*, Wang Y, Xu H T, Cao C Q, Zhu R X, Tang X, Zhang T W, Pan Y X*. Positive magnetic resonance angiography by ultrafine ferritin-based iron oxide nanoparticles. Nanoscale (2019). doi.org/10.1039/c8nr06812g
  27. Zhang T W, Pan Y X*. Constraining the magnetic properties of ultrafine- and fine-grained biogenic magnetite. Earth, Planets and Space (2018) 70:206 doi.org/10.1186/s40623-018-0978-2
  28. Chou Y M, Jiang X Y, Liu Q S, Hu H M, Wu C C, Liu J X, Jiang Z , Lee T Q, Wang C C, Shen Y F, Chiang C C, Tan L C, Lone M A, Pan Y X, Zhu R X, He Y Q, Chou Y C, Tan A H, Roberts A P, Zhao X, Shen C C. Multidecadally resolved polarity oscillations during a geomagnetic excursion. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2018) 115 (36): 8913-8918
  29. Lin W*, Zhang W S, Zhao X, Roberts A P, Paterson G A, Bazylinski D A, Pan Y X* Genomic expansion of magnetotactic bacteria reveals an early common origin of magnetotaxis with lineage-specific evolution. The ISME Journal (2018) doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0098-9
  30. Li Y J, He H Y, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Ji Q, Wang C S, Zheng D W, Zhu R X. Ar-40/Ar-39 dating results from the Shijiatun Formation, Jiaolai Basin: New age constraints on the Cretaceous terrestrial volcanic-sedimentary sequence of China. Cretaceous Research (2018) 86: 251-260
  31. Liu J, Zhang W Y, Li X G, Li X G, Chen X M, Li J H, Teng Z J, Xu C, Santini C L, Zhao L, Zhao Y, Zhang H, Zhang W J, Xu K D, Li C L, Pan Y X, Xiao T, Pan H M, Wu L F. Bacterial community structure and novel species of magnetotactic bacteria in sediments from a seamount in the Mariana volcanic arc. Scientific Reports (2017) 7, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-17445-4
  32. Lin W*, Pan Y X*, Bazylinski D A*. Diversity and ecology of and biomi=neralization by magnetotactic bacteria. Environmental Microbiology Reports (2017) 8 (4): 345-356
  33. Paterson G A, Muxworthy A R, Yamanoto Y, Pan Y X. Bulk magnetic domain stability controls paleoinensity fidelity. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2017) 114 (50): 13120-13125
  34. Lin W*, Paterson G A, Zhu Q Y, Wang Y Z, Kopylova E, Li Y, Knight R, Bazylinski D A, Zhu R X, Kirschvink J L*, Pan Y X*. Reply to Wang and Chen: An ancient origin of magnetotactic bacteria. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2017) 114(26): E5019-E5020. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1707301114
  35. Lin W*,Paterson G A, Zhu Q, Wang Y Z, Kopylova E, Li Y, Knight R, Bazylinski D A, Zhu R X, Kirschvink J L*,Pan Y X*. Origin of microbial biomineralization and magnetotaxis during the Archean. Proceedings of NationalAcademy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (2017), 2171-2176
  36. Li J H, Zhang H, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Wang F, Lin X T, Chen Z B, Pan Y X. Single-Cell Resolution of Uncultured Magnetotactic Bacteria via Fluorescence-Coupled Electron Microscopy. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, (2017) 83:e00409-17, doi.org/10.1128/AEM.00409-17.
  37. Li S H, Yang Z Y, Deng C L, He H Y, Qin H F, Sun L, Yuan J, van Hinsbergen J J, Krijgsman W, Dekkers M J, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Clockwise rotations recorded in redbeds from the Jinggu Basin of northwestern Indochina. GSA Bulletin, (2017).DOI: 10.1130/B31637.1. 129 (9-10): 1100-1122
  38. Wu, W F, Swanner E D, Kleinhanns I C, Schoenberg R, Pan Y X, Kappler A. Fe isotope fractionation during Fe(II) oxidation by the marine photoferrotroph Rhodovulum iodosum in the presence of Si - Implications for Precambrian iron formation deposition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 211 (2017), 307-321.
  39. Yang C Y, Cao C Q, Cai Y, Xu H T, Zhang T W, Pan Y X*. Effects of PEGylation on biomimetic synthesis of magnetoferritin nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, (2017) 19:101, doi.org/10.1007/s11051-017-3805-y
  40. Cai S H, Jin G Y, Tauxe L, Deng CL, Qin H F, Pan Y X, and Zhu R X. Archaeointensityresultsspannng the past 6 kiloyears from eastern China and implications for extremebebaviors of the geomagnetic field. Proceedings of NationalAcademy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (2017), 39-44
  41. Zhang T W, Cao C Q, Tang X, Cai Y, Yang C Y, Pan Y X*. Enhanced peroxidaseactivity and tumor visualization by cobalt-doped magnetoferritin nanoparticles. Nanotechnology, 28(4) (2017) doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/28/4/045704
  42. Wang Y Z, Zhang T W, Lin W, Zhang B F, Cai Y, Yang C Y, Li J H, Xu H T, Pan Y X*. Complete genome sequence of Magnetospirillum sp. strain XM-1, isolated from the Xi’an Citymoat, China. Genome Announcement 4(5) (2016), e01171-16. doi:10.1128/genomeA.01171-16
  43. 韩非,王扶仙,李金华,秦华峰,邓成龙,潘永信*,北京密云水库表层沉积物磁性矿物的鉴别,地球物理学报 59(2016), 2937-2948 =
  44. Paterson G A, Heslop D, Pan Y X. The pseudo-Thellier palaeointensity method: new calibration and uncertainty estimates. Geophysical Journal International, 207(3) (2016), 1596-1608
  45. Cai SH, Tauxe L, Deng C L, Qin H F, Pan Y X, Jin G Y, Chen X, Chen W, Xie F and Zhu R X. New archaeomagnetic direction results from China and their constraints on palaeosecular variation of the geomagnetic field in Eastern Asia. Geophysical Journal of International (2016) 207: 1332-1342
  46. Zhou L, Algeo T, Feng L P, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Gao S, Zhao L S, Wu Y B. Relationship of pyroclastic volcanism and lake-water acidification to Jehol Biota mass mortality events (Early Cretaceous, northeastern China). Chemical Geology (2016) 428: 59-76
  47. Li J H, Menguy N, Arrio M-A, Sainctavit P, Juhin A, Wang Y Z, Chen H T, Bunau O, Otero E, Ohresser P, Pan Y X. Controlled cobalt doping in the spinel structure of magnetosome magnetite: new evidences from element- and site-specific X-ray magnetic circular dichroism analyses. J R Soc Interface (2016) 13: 20160355
  48. Chen Y R, Zhang W Y, Zhou K, Pan H M, Du H J, Xu C, Xu J H, Pradel N, Santini C, Li J H, Huang H, Pan Y X, Xiao T, Wu L F. Novel species and expanded distribution of ellipsoidal multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes. Environmental Microbiology Reportds (2016) 8: 218-226, DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12371
  49. Yang C Y, Cao C Q, Cai Y, Zhang T W, Pan Y X*. The Surface modification of ferritin and its applications. Progress in Chemistry (2016) 28: 91-102 (in Chinese)
  50. Liu S Z, Deng C L, Xiao J L, Li J H, Paterson G A, Yi L, Qin HF, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Insolation driven biomagnetic response to the Holocene Warm Period in semi-arid East Asia. Scientific Reports (2015), doi:10.1038/srep08001
  51. Lin W, Pan Y X. A putative greigite-type magnetosome gene cluster from the candidate phylum, Environmental Microbiology Reports (2015) 7: 237–242
  52. Wang Y Z, Lin W, Li J H, Zahng T W, Li Y, Tian J S, Gu L X, Heyden Y V, Pan Y X*. Characterizing and optimizing magnetosome production of Magnetospirillum sp XM-1 isolated from Xi'an City Moat, China. FEMS Microbiology Letters (2015) 362, DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnv167
  53. Swanner, E D, Wu W F, Schoenberg R, Byrne J, Michel F M, Pan Y X, Kappler A. Fractionation of Fe isotopes during Fe(II) oxidation by a marine photoferrotroph is controlled by the formation of organic Fe-complexes and colloidal Fe fractions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2015) 165: 44-61
  54. Cai S H, Chen W, Tauxe L, Deng C L, Qin H F, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. New constraints on the variation of the geomagnetic field during the late Neolithic period: Archaeointensity results from Sichuan, southwestern China. Journal of Geophysical Research (2015) 120: 2056-2069, DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011618
  55. Tian L X, Pan Y X*, Metzner W, Zhang J S, Zhang B F. Bats respond to very weak magnetic field. PLOS ONE, (2015), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123205
  56. Cai Y, Cao C Q, He X Q, Yang C Y, Tian L X, Zhu R X, Pan Y X*. enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and staining of cancer cells using ferrimagnetic h-ferritin nanoparticles with increasing core size. International Journal of Nanomedicince (2015) 10: 2619-2634
  57. Li J H*, Menguy N*, Gatel C, Boureau V, Snoeck E, Patriarche G, Leroy E, Pan Y X*, Crystal growth of bullet-shaped magnetite in magnetotactic bacteria of the Nitrospirae phylum, Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2015), 12, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2014.1288
  58. Lin W, Benzerara K, Faivre D, Pan Y X, Intracellular biomineralization in bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology, (2014), 5, doi:210.3389/fmicb.2014.00293
  59. Lin W, Deng A H, Wang Z, Li Y, Wen T Y, Wu L-F, Wu M, Pan Y X*, Genomic insights into the uncultured genus ‘Candidatus Magnetobacterium’ in the phylum Nitrospirae, The ISME Journal, 8 (2014), 2463-2477
  60. Cao C Q*, Wang X, Cai Y, Sun L, Tian L X, Wu H, He X, Lei H, Liu W F, Chen G J, X, Zhu R X, Pan Y X*, Targeted in vivo imaging of microscopic tumors with ferritin-based nanoprobes across biological barriers, Advanced Materials (2014) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201304544
  61. Lin W, Bazylinski D, Xiao T, Wu L F, Pan Y X*. Life with compass: diversity and biogeography of magnetotactic bacteria, Environmental Microbiology (2014), doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12313
  62. Wu W F, Swanner E D, Hao L, Zeitvogel F, Obst M, Pan Y X, Kappler A.. Characterization of the physiology and cell–mineral interactions of the marine anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II) oxidizer Rhodovulum iodosum – implications for Precambrian Fe(II) oxidation, FEMS Microbiology Ecology (2014) 88: 503-515
  63. 林巍, 王寅炤, 陈海涛, 潘永信. 吉林龙岗火山区玛珥湖趋磁细菌多样性与分布. 中国科学D辑:地球科学 (2014) 44(6): 1253-1262
  64. Lin W*, Wang Y Z, Gorby Y, Nealson K, Pan Y X*. Integrating niche-based process and spatial process in biogeography of magnetotactic bacteria, Scientific Reports (2013) 3: 1643, DOI: 10.1038/srep01643.
  65. Katzmann E, Eibauer M, Lin W, Pan Y X, Plitzko J, Schüler D. Analysis of magnetosome chains in magnetotactic bacteria by magnetic measurements and automated image analysis of electron micrographs, Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2013) 79: 7755-7762
  66. Paterson, G A, Wang Y Z, Pan Y X. The fidelity of paleomagnetic records carried by magnetosome chains, Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2013) 383:82-91
  67. Li J H, Ge K P, Pan Y X, Williams W, Li Q S, Qin H F. A strong angular dependence of magnetic properties of magnetosome chains: Implications for rock magnetism and paleomagnetism, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (2013) DOI: 10.1002/ggge.20228
  68. Yang J, Li S Q, Huang X L, Li J H, Li L, Pan Y X, Li Y. MamX encoded by the mamXY operon is involved in control of magnetosome maturation in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1, BMC Microbiology (2013) 13: DOI: 10.1186/1471-2180-13-203.
  69. Wu W F, Wang F P, Li J H, Yang X W, Xiao X and Pan Y X*. Iron reduction and mineralization of deep-sea iron reducing bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 at elevated hydrostatic pressures, Geobiology (2013) 11: 593-601, DOI: 10.1111/gbi.1206
  70. Wang Y Z, Lin W, Li J H, Pan Y X*. High diversity of Magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria in a freshwater niche, Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2013) 79: 2813-2817. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03635-12.
  71. Deng C L, He H Y, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Chronology of the terrestrial Upper Cretaceous in the Songliao Basin, northeast Asia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (2013) 385: 44-54.
  72. 潘永信,林巍,吴文芳,底青云,朱日祥,刘青松. 地下深部生物圈的生物地球物理研究方法. 见:丁仲礼(主编)《固体地球科学研究方法》,p277-285, 科学出版社, 北京, 2013.
  73. 陈海涛,林巍,王寅炤,李金华,陈冠军,潘永信*. 西安未央湖趋磁细菌多样性与磁学研究, 第四纪研究 (2013) 33(1): 88-96
  74. Li S H, Deng C L, Yao H T, Huang S, Liu C Y, He H Y, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Magnetostratigraphy of the Dali Basin in Yunnan and implications for late Neogene rotation of the southeast margin of the Tibet Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research (2013) 118: 791-807, doi: 10.1002/jgrb.50129. 
  75. Walls M G, Cao C Q, Yu-Zhang K, Li J H, Che R C, Pan Y X. Identification of ferrous-ferric Fe3O4 nanoparticles in recombinant human ferritin cage, Microscopy and Microanalysis (2013) 19:835-841, DOI: 10.1017/S1431927613001724
  76. Huang S, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Paleomagnetism of the Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks of the Shimaoshan Group in Yongtai County, Fujian Province. Science China Earth Sciences (2013) 56: 22-30
  77. Lin W, Li JH, Pan YX. Newly isolated but uncultivated magnetotactic bacterium of the Phylum Nitrospirae from Beijing, China, Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2012) 78(3): 668-675 (封面文章)
  78. Lin W, Wang YZ, Pan YX. Short-term effects of temperature on the abundance and diversity of dominant magnetotactic bacteria: implications for extreme heat events reconstruction across geological history, MicrobiologyOpen (2012) doi: 10.1002/mbo3.7.
  79. 纪新林,潘永信*. 吉林陨石中铁镍合金的磁学性质研究. 地球物理学报 (2012) 55(6): 1973-1979.
  80. 吴文芳,李一良,潘永信*. 微生物参与前寒武纪条带状铁建造沉积的研究进展. 地质科学(2012) 47(2): 548-560.
  81. 林巍,潘永信*. 趋磁细菌多样性及其环境意义. 第四纪研究 (2012) 32(4): 567-575
  82. Fan KL, Cao CQ, Pan YX, Lu D, Yang DL, Feng J, Song LN, Liang MM, Yan XY. Magnetoferritin nanoparticles for targeting and visualizing tumour tissue, Nature Nanotechnology (2012) 7(7): 459-464.
  83. Tian L X, Cao C Q, Pan Y X. The influence of reaction temperature on biomineralization of ferrihydrite cores in human H-ferritin. Biometals (2012) 25 (1): 193-202
  84. Li J H, Pan Y X*. Environmental factors affect magnetite magnetosome synthesis in magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1: Implications for biologically controlled mineralization. Geomicrobiology Journal (2012) 29(4): 362-373
  85. Li J H, Wu W F, Liu Q S, Pan Y X*. Magnetic anisotropy, magnetostatic interaction and the identification of magnetofossils. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., (2012)13, Q10Z51, doi:10.1029/2012GC004384
  86. Lin W, Wang YZ, Li B, Pan Y X*. A biogeographic distribution of magnetotactic bacteria influenced by salinity, The ISME Journal(2012) doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.112, 6: 475-479
  87. He H Y, Deng C L, Wang P J, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Toward age determination of the termination of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. (2012) 13, Q02002, doi:10.1029/2011GC003901
  88. Cui Z, Kong D L, Pan Y X, Zhang K K. On the swimming motion of spheroidal magnetotactic bacteria. Fluid Dynamics Research (2012) 44: 055508
  89. Kong D, Cui Z, Pan Y X and Zhang K. On the Papkovich–Neuber formulation for Stokes flows driven by a translating/rotating prolate spheroid at arbitrary angles. Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. (2012) 75: 455–83
  90. Liu C Y, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. New paleomagnetic investigations of the Emeishan basalts in NE Yunnan, southwestern China: Constraints on eruption history. J Asian Earth Sci. (2012) 52: 88-97
  91. 潘永信*, 朱日祥*. 生物地球物理学的产生与研究进展. 科学通报 (2011) 56 (17): 1335-1344
  92. Pan Y X, Hill M J, Tauxe L. Planetary magnetism, dynamo and dynamics. Preface, Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors Special Issue (2011) 187 (3–4): 77
  93. Lin W, Pan Y X*. Snapping magnetosome chains by asymmetric cell division in magnetotactic bacteria. Molecular Microbiology (2011) 82 (6): 1301-1304 (邀请撰写评述文章)
  94. Lin W, Jogler C, Schüler D, Pan Y X. Metagenomic analysis reveals unexpected subgenomic diversity of magnetotactic bacteria within the Phylum Nitrospirae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2011) 77 (1): 323-326
  95. 林巍, 李陛, 潘永信*. 全球趋磁细菌数据库的建立. 科学通报 (2011) 56 (1): 16-17
  96. He H Y, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Deng T, Luo Z H, Sun J M, Zhu R X. New 40Ar/39Ar dating results from the Shanwang Basin, eastern China: Constraints on the age of the Shanwang Formation and associated biota. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors (2011) 187 (1–2): 66-75
  97. Wu W F, Li B, Hu J, Li J H, Wang F P, Pan Y X*. Iron reduction and magnetite biomineralization mediated by a deep-sea iron reducing bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3. Journal of Geophysical Research (2011) 116: G04034, doi: 10.1029/2011JG001728
  98. 李陛, 吴文芳, 李金华, 潘永信*. 温度和电子传递体AQDS对铁还原细菌Shewanella putrefaciens CN32矿化产物的影响. 地球物理学报 (2011) 54 (10): 2631-2638
  99. 仝亚博, 杨振宇, 潘永信, 郑连弟, 孙知明, 裴军令, 庄忠海. 西藏乌郁盆地中新世火山岩的地磁极性转换记录. 中国科学D辑:地球科学, (2011) 40 (11): 1571-1581
  100. 纪新林, 潘永信*. 陨石磁学研究. 地球物理学进展 (2011) 26 (6): 1983-1992
  101. Lin W, Pan Y X*.Temporal variation of magnetotactic bacterial communities in two freshwater sediment microcosms. FEMS Microbiology Letters (2010) 302 (1): 85-92
  102. Cao C Q, Tian L X, Liu Q S, Liu W F, Chen G J, Pan Y X*. Magnetic characterization of noninteracting, randomly oriented, nanometer-scale ferrimagnetic particles. Journal of Geophysical Research (2010) 115: B07103, doi: 10.1029/2009JB006855
  103. Li J H, Pan Y X*, Liu Q S, Yu-Zhang K, Menguy N, Che R C, Qin H F, Lin W, Wu W F, Petersen N. Biomineralization, crystallography and magnetic properties of bullet-shaped magnetite magnetosomes in giant rod magnetotactic bacteria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2010) 293 (3-4): 368-376
  104. Li J H, Ge X, Zhang X, Chen G, Pan Y X. Recover vigorous cells of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 by capillary magnetic separation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (2010) 28 (4): 826-831
  105. Tian L X, Lin W, Zhang S Y, Pan Y X*. Bat Head contains soft magnetic particles: evidence from magnetism. Bioelectromagnetics (2010) 31 (7): 499-503
  106. Ding Y, Li J, Liu J, Yang J, Jiang W, Tian J, Li Y*, Pan Y X*. Deletion of the ftsZ-like gene results in the production of superparamagnetic magnetite magnetosomes in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. Journal of Bacteriology (2010) 192 (4): 1097-1105
  107. Zhu K L, Pan H M, Li J H, Yu-Zhang K, Zhang S D, Zhang W Y, Zhou K, Yue H D, Pan Y X, Xiao T A, Wu L F. Isolation and characterization of a marine magnetotactic spirillum axenic culture QH-2 from an intertidal zone of the China Sea. Research in Microbiology (2010) 161 (4): 276-283
  108. 潘永信, 纪新林, 朱日祥. 月球磁学观测与研究进展. 地球化学 (2010) 39 (1): 32-36
  109. 田兰香, 曹长乾, 刘青松, 潘永信*. 马脾铁蛋白磁性纳米颗粒的低温磁学性质研究. 科学通报 (2010) 55 (23): 2312-2320
  110. 纪新林, 王磊, 潘永信*. 北京房山岩体的磁组构特征及其对岩体侵位的约束. 地球物理学报 (2010) 53 (7): 1671-1680
  111. 吴文芳, 李金华, 张春霞, 潘永信*. 有机质对纳米磁铁矿热稳定性的影响. 地球物理学报 (2010) 53 (10): 2427-2434
  112. 杜爱民, 潘永信. 地磁导航与生物启迪,10000个科学难题-地球科学卷. 科学出版社. 719-721, 2010.
  113. 张文燕, 张圣妲, 肖天, 潘永信, 吴龙飞. 趋磁细菌的地域分布特征. 环境科学, (2010) 31 (2): 450-458
  114. 李金华, 潘永信*, 刘青松, 秦华峰, 邓成龙, 车仁超, 杨新安. 趋磁细菌Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1全细胞和纯化磁小体的磁学比较研究. 科学通报 (2009) 54 (21): 3345-3351 (封面文章)
  115. Pan Y X, Lin W, Li J H, Wu W F, Tian L X, Deng C L, Liu Q S, Zhu R X. Winklhofer M, Petersen N, Yang X A. Reduced efficiency of magnetotaxis in magnetotactic coccoid bacteria in higher than geomagnetic fields. Biophysical Journal (2009) 97 (4): 986-991
  116. Pan Y X, Lin W, Tian L X, Zhu R X, Petersen N. Combined approaches for characterization of an uncultivated magnetotactic coccus from Lake Miyun near Beijing. Geomicrobiology Journal (2009) 26 (5): 313-320
  117. 朱日祥, 李献华, 侯先光, 潘永信, 王非, 邓成龙, 贺怀宇. 梅树村剖面离子探针锆石U-Pb年代学: 对前寒武纪-寒武纪界线的年代制约. 中国科学D辑:地球科学 (2009) 39 (8): 1105-1111
  118. Lin W, Pan Y X*. Specific primers for the detection of freshwater alphaproteobacterial magnetotactic cocci. International Microbiology(2009) 12 (4): 237-242
  119. Jogler C, Lin W, Meyerdierks A, Kube M, Katzmann E, Flies C, Pan Y X, Amann R, Reinhardt R, Schüler D. Toward cloning of the magnetotactic metagenome: identification of magnetosome island gene clusters in uncultivated magnetotactic bacteria from different aquatic sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2009) 75 (12): 3972-3
  120. Lin W, Pan Y X.* Uncultivated magnetotactic cocci from Yuandadu park in Beijing, China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2009) 75 (12): 4046-4052
  121. Li J H, Pan Y X*, Chen G J, Liu Q S, Tian L X, Lin W. Magnetite magnetosome and fragmental chain formation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1: transmission electron microscopy and magnetic observations. Geophysical Journal International (2009)177 (1): 33-42
  122. Lin W, Li J H, Schüler D, Jogler C, Pan Y X*. Diversity analysis of magnetotactic bacteria in Lake Miyun, northern China, by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Systematic and Applied Microbiology (2009) 32 (5): 342-350
  123. 刘涛, 郑国东, 潘永信, 刘宏芳. 地质微生物对海洋天然气水合物的影响. 天然气地球科学 (2009) 20 (6): 992-999
  124. Lin W, Tian L X, Li J H, Pan Y X*. Does capillary racetrack-based enrichment reflect the diversity of uncultivated magnetotactic cocci in environmental samples? FEMS Microbiology Letters (2008) 279: 202-206
  125. Tauxe L, Pan Y X. Paleomagnetism and the Earth's deep interior: preface. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2008) 169: 1-2
  126. Zhu R X, Pan Y X, He H Y, Qin H F, Ren S M. Palaeomagnetism and 40Ar/39Ar age from a Cretaceous volcanic sequence, Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for the field variation during the Cretaceous normal superchron. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors (2008)169 (1-4): 59-75
  127. Hill M J, Pan Y X, Davies C J. An assessment of the reliability of palaeointensity results obtained from the Cretaceous aged Suhongtu section, Inner Mongolia, China. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors (2008) 169 (1-4): 76-88
  128. He H Y, Pan Y X, Tauxe L, Qin H F, Zhu R X. Toward age determination of the M0r (Barremian-Aptian boundary) of the Early Cretaceous. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2008) 169 (1-4): 41-48
  129. 秦华峰, 刘青松, 潘永信. 一阶反转曲线(FORC)图的原理及应用实例. 地球物理学报 (2008) 51 (3): 743-751
  130. 王磊, 潘永信*, 李金华, 秦华锋. 黄铁矿热转化矿物相变过程的岩石磁学研究. 中国科学D辑:地球科学 (2008) 38 (9): 1068-1077
  131. Deng C L, Zhu R X, Zhang R, Ao H, Pan Y X. Timing of the Nihewan formation and faunas. Quaternary Research (2008) 69 (1): 77-90
  132. Zhu R X, Potts R, Pan Y X, Lue L Q, Yao H T, Deng C L, Qin H F. Paleomagnetism of the Yuanmou Basin near the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its constraints on late Neogene sedimentation and tectonic rotation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2008) 272 (1-2): 97-104
  133. Zhu R X, Potts R, Pan Y X, Yao H T, Lu L Q, Zhao X, Gao X, Chen L W, Gao F, Deng C L. Early evidence of the genus Homo in East Asia. Journal of Human Evolution (2008) 55 (6): 1075-1085
  134. 柯霖, 高山, 潘永信, 胡兆初. 辽西义县四合屯义县组中部湖相沉积岩地球化学及物源特征. 地球科学—中国地质大学学报(2008) 33 (40): 504-514
  135. Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Shi R P, Liu Q S, Li D M. Palaeomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar dating constraints on the age of the Jehol Biota and the duration of deposition of the Sihetun fossil-bearing lake sediments, northeast China. Cretaceous Research (2007) 28 (2): 171-176
  136. Tian L X, Xiao B, Lin W, Zhang S Y, Zhu R X, Pan Y X*. Testing for the presence of magnetite in the upper-beak skin of homing pigeons. Biometals (2007) 20 (2): 197-203
  137. Wang Y N, Pan Y X, Parsons S, Walker M, Zhang S Y. Bats respond to polarity of a magnetic field. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences (2007) 274 (1627): 2901-2905
  138. 刘青松, 邓成龙, 潘永信. 磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿磁化率的温度和频率特性及其环境磁学意义. 第四纪研究 (2007) 27 (6): 955-962
  139. 朱日祥, 邓成龙, 潘永信. 泥河湾盆地磁性地层定年与早期人类演化. 第四纪研究, (2007) 27 (6): 922-944
  140. 邓成龙, 刘青松, 潘永信, 朱日祥. 中国黄土环境磁学. 第四纪研究 (2007) 27 (2): 193-209
  141. He H Y, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Age of the Barremian-Aptian boundary of the early Cretaceous. Journal of China University of Geosciences (2007) 18: 414
  142. Zhu R, Zhang R, Deng C, Pan Y X, Liu Q S, Sun Y B. Are Chinese loess deposits essentially continuous? Geophysical Research Letters (2007) 34, L17306. doi: 10.1029/2007gl030591
  143. Deng C L, Xie F, Liu C C, Ao H, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Magnetochronology of the Feiliang Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin and implications for early human adaptability to high northern latitudes in East Asia. Geophysical Research Letters (2007) 34, L14301. doi: 10.1029/2007gl030335
  144. Pan Y X*, Liu Q S, Deng C L, Qin H F, Zhu R X. Thermally induced inversion of Al-substituted titanomagnetite in basalts: evidence for partial self-reversal. Journal of Geophysical Research (2006) 111, B12S29. doi: 10.1029/2006jb004576
  145. Liu Q S, Yu Y J, Torrent J, Roberts A P, Pan Y X, Zhu R. Characteristic low-temperature magnetic properties of aluminous goethite [α-(Fe, Al)OOH] explained. Journal of Geophysical Research (2006) 111, B12S34. doi: 10.1029/2006jb004560
  146. 朱日祥, 潘永信, 邓成龙. 地磁场与生物的磁效应. 科技导报 (2006) 24(8): 5-7
  147. 肖波, 潘永信. 磁铁矿的低温磁学性质研究进展. 地球物理学进展 (2006) 21: 408-41
  148. 林巍, 田兰香, 潘永信*. 趋磁细菌磁小体研究进展. 微生物学通报 (2006) 33: 133-137
  149. Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Pan Y X, Deng, C L, Sun J M. Identifying the origin of the magnetic directional anomalies recorded in the Datong loess profile, northeastern Chinese loess plateau. Geophysical Journal International (2006) 164: 312-318
  150. Deng C L, Wei Q, Zhu R X, Wang H Q, Zhang R, Ao H, Chang L, Pan Y X.  Magnetostratigraphic age of the Xiantai Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin and implications for early human colonization of Northeast Asia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2006) 244 (1-2): 336-348
  151. Deng C L, Shaw J, Liu Q S, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Mineral magnetic variation of the Jingbian loess/paleosol sequence in the northern Loess Plateau of China: Implications for Quaternary development of Asian aridification and cooling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2006) 241 (1-2): 248-259
  152. Pan Y X*, Hill M J, Zhu R X. Paleomagnetic and paleointensity study of an Oligocene-Miocene lava sequence from the Hannuoba Basalts in northern China. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors (2005) 151 (1-2): 21-35
  153. Pan Y X*, Petersen N, Davila A F, Zhang L M, Winklhofer M, Liu Q S, Hanzlik M, Zhu R X. The detection of bacterial magnetite in recent sediments of Lake Chiemsee (southern Germany). Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2005) 232 (1-2): 109-123
  154. Pan Y X*, Petersen N, Winklhofer M, Davila A F, Liu Q S, Frederichs T, Hanzlik M, Zhu R X. Rock magnetic properties of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2005) 237 (3-4): 311-325
  155. Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Yao H T, Guo Z T, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Lu L Q., Chang Z G., Gao F. Magnetostratigraphic dating of hominoid-bearing sediments at Zhupeng, Yuanmou Basin, southwestern China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2005)236 (3-4): 559-568
  156. 潘永信, 朱日祥. 大别山超高压变质岩带的岩石磁学和磁组构研究及其地质意义. 岩石学报 (2005) 21 (4): 1101-1108
  157. Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Inter-profile correlation of the Chinese loess/paleosol sequences during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 and indications of pedogenesis. Quaternary Science Reviews (2005) 24 (1-2): 195-210
  158. 王毅南, 潘永信, 田兰香, 梁冰, 张树义. 生物磁学在鸟类定向研究中的进展. 动物学杂志 (2005) 40 (5): 119-123
  159. 刘青松, Yu Y, 潘永信, 朱日祥, 赵西西. 单畴和多畴磁铁矿合成样品的部分非磁滞剩磁研究. 科学通报 (2005) 50: 2267-2270
  160. Zhu R X, Potts R, Xie F, Hoffman K A, Deng C L, Shi C D, Pan Y X, Wang H Q, Shi RP, Wang Y C, Shi G H, Wu N Q. New evidence on the earliest human presence at high northern latitudes in northeast Asia. Nature (2004) 431 (7008): 559-562
  161. Pan Y X*, Hill M J, Zhu R X, Shaw J. Further evidence for low intensity of the geomagnetic field during the early Cretaceous time: using the modified Shaw method and microwave technique. Geophysical Journal International (2004) 157 (2): 553-564
  162. 潘永信, 邓成龙, 刘青松, Petersen N, 朱日祥. 趋磁细菌磁小体的生物矿化作用和磁学性质研究进展. 科学通报 (2004) 49 (24): 2505-2510
  163. 田兰香, 林巍, 王毅男, 潘永信, 张树义. 一个交叉研究领域——动物地磁导航的研究进展. 中国科学基金 (2004) 6: 340-342
  164. Zhu R X, Lo C H, Shi R P, Pan Y X, Shi G H, Shao J A. Is there a precursor to the Cretaceous normal superchron? New paleointensity and age determination from Liaoning province, northeastern China. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors (2004) 147 (2-3): 117-126
  165. Zhu R X, Lo C H, Shi R P, Shi G H, Pan Y X, Shao J. Palaeointensities determined from the middle Cretaceous basalt in Liaoning Province, northeastern China. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors (2004) 142 (1-2): 49-59
  166. Zhu R X, Hoffman K A, Nomade S, Renne P R, Shi R, Pan Y X, Shi G. Geomagnetic paleointensity and direct age determination of the ISEA (M0r?) chron. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2004) 217 (3-4): 285-295
  167. Liu Q S, Jackson M J, Banerjee S K, Maher B A, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Mechanism of the magnetic susceptibility enhancements of the Chinese loess. Journal of Geophysical Research (2004) 109, B12107. doi: 10.1029/2004jb003249
  168. Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Maher B A, Pan Y X, Zhu, R X, Deng C L, Chen F H.. Grain sizes of susceptibility and anhysteretic remanent magnetization carriers in Chinese loess/paleosol sequences. Journal of Geophysical Research (2004) 109, B03101. doi: 10.1029/2003jb002747
  169. Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. New insights into partial oxidation model of magnetites and thermal alteration of magnetic mineralogy of the Chinese loess in air. Geophysical Journal International (2004) 158 (2): 506-514
  170. Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Chen F, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Determining the climatic boundary between the Chinese loess and palaeosol: evidence from aeolian coarse-grained magnetite. Geophysical Journal International (2004) 156 (2): 267-274
  171. 史瑞萍, 贺怀宇, 朱日祥, 潘永信. 白垩纪超静磁带期间一个短极性事件 ISEA: 40Ar/39Ar定年和古地磁结果. 科学通报 (2004) 49 (8): 798-802
  172. 朱日祥, 史瑞萍, 潘永信. 地磁场与地球内部过程. 中国大陆地球深部结构与动力学研究, 张中杰等主编, 科学出版社, 北京, 589-595, 2004
  173. 朱日祥, 邓成龙, 潘永信. 地球磁场变化与地球内部动力学过程. 大地测量与地球动力学进展, 朱耀中, 孙和平主编, 湖北科学技术出版社, 武汉, 45-52, 2004
  174. Zhu R X, Hoffman K A, Pan Y X, Shi R P, Li D M. Evidence for weak geomagnetic field intensity prior to the Cretaceous normal superchron. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors (2003) 136 (3-4): 187-199
  175. Pan Y X, Shaw J, Zhu R X, Hill M J. Reply to comment by Y. Yamamoto on “Experimental reassessment of the Shaw paleointensity method using laboratory-induced thermal remanent magnetization”. Journal of Geophysical Research (2003) 108 (B5): 2279. doi: 10.1029/2002jb002355
  176. Liu Q S, Jackson M J, Banerjee S K, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Chen F H. Determination of magnetic carriers of the characteristic remanent magnetization of Chinese loess by low-temperature demagnetization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2003) 216 (1-2): 175-186
  177. Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Chen F H, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. An integrated study of the grain-size-dependent magnetic mineralogy of the Chinese loess/paleosol and its environmental significance. Journal of Geophysical Research (2003) 108 (B9): 2437. doi: 10.1029/2002jb002264
  178. 朱日祥, 黄宝春, 潘永信, 邓成龙. 岩石磁学与古地磁实验室简介. 地球物理学进展, (2003) 18 (2): 177-181
  179. Pan Y X*, Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Jackson M. Low-temperature magnetic behavior related to thermal alteration of siderite. Geophysical Research Letters (2002) 29 (23): 2087. doi: 10.1029/2002gl016021
  180. Pan Y X*, Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Guo B, Yue L P, Wu H N. Geomagnetic episodes of the last 1.2 Myr recorded in Chinese loess. Geophysical Research Letters (2002) 29 (8): 1282. doi: 10.1029/2001gl014024
  181. Pan Y X*, Shaw J, Zhu R X, Hill M J. Experimental reassessment of the Shaw paleointensity method using laboratory-induced thermal remanent magnetization. Journal of Geophysical Research (2002) 107 (B7). doi: 10.1029/2001jb000620
  182. Shi R P, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Shi G H, Hoffman K A Paleointensity study of Early Miocene lavas from Pingzhuang, Inner Mongolia, China. Geophysical Research Letters (2002) 29 (21): 2026. doi: 10.1029/2002gl015990
  183. 田莉丽, 朱日祥, 潘永信. 张北汉诺坝玄武岩的岩石磁学性质研究. 地球物理学报, (2002) 45 (6): 832-838
  184. 刘青松, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, 朱日祥, 潘永信. 低温氧化作用对中国黄土记录剩磁的影响. 科学通报 (2002), 48(2), 193-198.
  185. Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Zhu R X, Pan Y X. A new method in mineral magnetism for the separation of weak antiferromagnetic signal from a strong ferrimagnetic background. Geophysical Research Letters (2002) 29. doi: 10.1029/2002gl014699
  186. 朱日祥, 邵济安, 潘永信, 史瑞萍, 施光海, 李大明. 辽宁白垩纪火山岩古地磁测定与陆内旋转运动. 科学通报 (2002) 47 (17): 1335-1340
  187. 朱日祥, 潘永信, 史瑞萍. 地球磁场强度对地球内部动力学过程的制约. 中国科学D辑:地球科学 (2002) 32 (4): 265-270
  188. Pan Y X*, Zhu R, Shaw J, Liu Q, Guo B. Can relative paleointensities be determined from the normalized magnetization of the wind-blown loess of China? Journal of Geophysical Research (2001) 106 (B9): 19221-19232
  189. 潘永信, 朱日祥, Shaw, J, 周姚秀. 辽宁四合屯含化石层古地磁极性年龄的初步确定. 科学通报 (2001) 46 (8): 680-683
  190. Zhu R X, Hoffman K A, Potts R, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Guo B, Shi C D, Guo Z T, Yuan B Y, Hou Y M, Huang W W. Earliest presence of humans in northeast Asia. Nature (2001) 413 (6854): 413-417
  191. Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Shaw J, Li D M, Li Q. Geomagnetic palaeointensity just prior to the Cretaceous normal superchron. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors (2001) 128 (1-4): 207-222
  192. Shi C D, Zhu R X, Suchy V, Zeman A, Guo B, Pan Y X. Identification and origins of iron sulfides in Czech loess. Geophysical Research Letters (2001) 28 (20): 3903-3906
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  • 中科院创新团队国际合作伙伴计划项目:生物地磁学与生物矿化作用(2009-2013) 
  • 国家自然科学基金委基金项目:地磁环境对生物影响及其机理 (2013) 
  • 国家自然科学基金委重点基金项目:地磁变化对趋磁微生物影响及其机理 (2014-2018)